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fun String.toDate(): Date

Converts a string to a Date.

The string is assumed to be an ISO-8601 calendar date in extended format. For example, 2010-10-05. The output of Date.toString can be safely parsed using this method.


DateTimeParseException if parsing fails
DateTimeException if the parsed date is invalid


fun String.toDate(parser: DateTimeParser, settings: DateTimeParserSettings = DateTimeParserSettings.DEFAULT): Date

Converts a string to a Date using a specific parser.

A set of predefined parsers can be found in DateTimeParsers.

Any custom parser must be capable of supplying one of the following field combinations:

  • [DateTimeField.YEAR](../io.islandtime.base/-date-time-field/-y-e-a-r/, [DateTimeField.MONTH_OF_YEAR](../io.islandtime.base/-date-time-field/-m-o-n-t-h_-o-f_-y-e-a-r/, [DateTimeField.DAY_OF_MONTH](../io.islandtime.base/-date-time-field/-d-a-y_-o-f_-m-o-n-t-h/
  • [DateTimeField.YEAR](../io.islandtime.base/-date-time-field/-y-e-a-r/, [DateTimeField.DAY_OF_YEAR](../io.islandtime.base/-date-time-field/-d-a-y_-o-f_-y-e-a-r/


DateTimeParseException if parsing fails
DateTimeException if the parsed date is invalid