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Predefined Parsers

Out of the box, Island Time can parse the most common ISO-8601 formats for dates, times, durations, and time intervals. The set of included parsers can be found in DateTimeParsers.

The table below illustrates how the parsers for the various ISO formats are organized within DateTimeParsers, using the calendar date format as an example:

Iso Format Parser Acceptable Input(s)
Basic DateTimeParsers.Basic.CALENDAR_DATE 20200101
Extended DateTimeParsers.Extended.CALENDAR_DATE 2020-01-01
Any DateTimeParsers.CALENDAR_DATE 20200101 or 2020-01-01

The extended format is — by far — the most common. If you don't specify a parser explicitly when converting a string to an Island Time type, it will look for extended format only. Below are some examples:

// Parse an extended format date-time
val extendedDateTime = "2020-12-31T13:45".toDateTime()

// Parse a basic format date-time
val basicDateTime = "20201231T1345".toDateTime(DateTimeParsers.Basic.DATE_TIME)

// Parse an ordinal date (year and day of year)
val ordinalDate = "2020-365".toDate(DateTimeParsers.Extended.ORDINAL_DATE)

Custom Parsers

In an ideal world, non-ISO formats wouldn’t exist, but sometimes they do and you need to parse them. To support that, you can define custom parsers using a DSL.

// Define a custom parser
val customParser = dateTimeParser {
    anyOf({ +'/' }, { +'-' })
    optional {
        anyOf({ +'/' }, { +'-' })

// Parse a date using it
try {
    val date = "3/17/2020".toDate(customParser)
} catch (e: DateTimeException) {
    // ...

When dealing with ranges and intervals, you'll need to define a "grouped" parser, which can handle multiple results.

val customGroupedParser = groupedDateTimeParser {
    group {
    group {

val dateRange = "3/17/2020--4/5/2020".toDateRange(customGroupedParser)