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fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest hour that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a 24-hour day.


fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest minute that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into an hour.


fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest second that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a minute.


fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest millisecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest microsecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun Time.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): Time

fun OffsetTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): OffsetTime

Returns this time, rounded to the nearest nanosecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest hour that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a 24-hour day.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest minute that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into an hour.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest second that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a minute.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest millisecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest microsecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun DateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): DateTime

fun OffsetDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): OffsetDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest nanosecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest hour that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a 24-hour day.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest minute that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into an hour.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest second that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a minute.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest millisecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest microsecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun ZonedDateTime.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): ZonedDateTime

Returns this date-time, rounded to the nearest nanosecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.

Due to daylight savings time transitions, there a few complexities to be aware of. If the new local time falls within a gap (meaning it doesn't exist), it will be adjusted forward by the length of the gap. If it falls within an overlap (meaning the local time exists twice), the offset will be retained if possible. Otherwise, the earlier offset will be used.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Hours): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest hour that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a 24-hour day.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Minutes): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest minute that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into an hour.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Seconds): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest second that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a minute.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Milliseconds): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest millisecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Microseconds): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest microsecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.


fun Instant.roundedToNearest(increment: Nanoseconds): Instant

Returns this instant, rounded to the nearest nanosecond that satisfies the increment. If the time is halfway between increments, it will be rounded up.

The increment must multiply evenly into a second.