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infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Days): DateDayProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of days.


infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Weeks): DateDayProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of weeks.


infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Months): DateMonthProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of months.


infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Years): DateMonthProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of years.


infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Decades): DateMonthProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of decades.


infix fun DateDayProgression.step(step: Centuries): DateMonthProgression

Creates a progression that steps over the dates in this progression in increments of centuries.


infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Days): TimePointSecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Hours): TimePointSecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Minutes): TimePointSecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Seconds): TimePointSecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Milliseconds): TimePointNanosecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Microseconds): TimePointNanosecondProgression<T>

infix fun <T : TimePoint<T>> TimePointProgressionBuilder<T>.step(step: Nanoseconds): TimePointNanosecondProgression<T>