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Interoperating with Platform Libraries

In a multiplatform project, it's often necessary to interoperate with code that uses platform libraries directly. A number of conversion functions are available to help simplify this process.

Java Time Library

Island Time's classes map very closely to those in java.time, making it pretty easy to go back and forth between them. The following table shows the relationship between a subset of the classes:

java.time Island Time Description
LocalDate Date A date in arbitrary region
LocalTime Time A time of day in arbitrary region
LocalDateTime DateTime A combined date and time of day in arbitrary region
Instant Instant An instant in time, represented by the number of seconds/nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00Z)
OffsetTime OffsetTime A time of day with UTC offset
OffsetDateTime OffsetDateTime A date and time of day with fixed UTC offset
ZonedDateTime ZonedDateTime A date and time of day in a particular time zone region
ZoneOffset UtcOffset An offset from UTC
ZoneId TimeZone An IANA time zone database region ID or fixed offset from UTC
Duration Duration A (potentially large) duration of time
Period Period A date-based period of time

To convert between an Island Time Date and Java LocalDate, you can do something like this:

val javaLocalDate =

// Convert a Java LocalDate to Island Time Date
val islandDate = javaLocalDate.toIslandDate()

// Convert an Island Time Date back to a Java LocalDate
val backToJavaLocalDate = islandDate.toJavaLocalDate()

The pattern above can be applied for the majority of the date-time and duration classes. For durations, it's also possible to convert any of Island Time's single unit durations directly to a Java Duration.

val javaDuration: java.time.Duration = 30.minutes.toJavaDuration()

You can find the full set of conversions in the io.islandtime.jvm package.

Apple Foundation Classes

We can map between some Island Time types and the date-time types provided in Apple's Foundation API, such as NSDate, NSDateComponents, and NSTimeZone. Keep in mind that NSDate and NSTimeInterval are based around floating-point numbers, so conversion may result in lost precision.

// NSDate is a timestamp, just like Instant
val islandInstant =
val nsDate = islandInstant.toNSDate()
val islandInstantAgain = nsDate.toIslandInstant()

// NSDateComponents separates out the calendar/time components, roughly modeling
// Date, DateTime, ZonedDateTime, et all
val zonedDateTime =
val nsDateComponents = zonedDateTime.toNSDateComponents()
val zonedDateTimeAgain = nsDateComponents.toIslandZonedDateTimeOrNull()

// Convert from IntMinutes to NSTimeInterval
val nsTimeInterval = 5.minutes.toNSTimeInterval()

The full set of conversions can be found in the io.islandtime.darwin package.


As of Kotlin 1.6.0, a Duration type has been stabilized as part of the standard library. It isn't an exact replacement for Island Time's Duration, but you can easily convert between the two types (with possible loss of precision for larger durations).

import kotlin.time.seconds as kotlinSeconds

// Convert from Island Time IntMinutes to Kotlin Duration
val kotlinDuration: kotlin.time.Duration = 30.minutes.toKotlinDuration()

// Convert from Kotlin Duration to Island Time Duration
val islandDuration: Duration = 30.kotlinSeconds.toIslandDuration()

Kotlin's Duration type can also be used directly with Island Time classes, such as Instant or ZonedDateTime.

val untilInstant = + 10.kotlinSeconds